Saturday, September 27, 2008

Last night's debate

Last night's debate was a spirited exchange and ultimately I think it resulted in a tie. Both candidates performed equally well, and there wasn't a great sound byte that the modern media can't live without. I believe Obama got the better of McCain while debating the economy and McCain was the clear winner in debating foreign policy.

On the foreign policy side, I would have liked to see Obama hammer McCain a bit more on the initial vote to go into Iraq. He made the point, but it was overshadowed by McCain's focus on the success of the surge. In my opinion, Obama has a foreign policy issue about which history has proven him right with opposing the war from the start. He should have hammered it home.

On the economy, McCain allowed Obama to play the left's classic game of class warfare while discussing the McCain tax cuts and the sub-prime crisis. Moreover, he didn't challenge Obama at all when Obama stated that this credit crunch is the cause of deregulation. This is a hotly contested topic between economic interventionists and advocates of the free market, and allowing him to say that unchallenged allowed Obama to state it like it was fact. If McCain doesn't squash this populist overtone early in the debate on economic policy, he is in for a long night and doesn't stand much of chance of winning that debate. A Republican candidate cannot win a debate on economics if he concedes the merits of free market capitalism simply because of tough economic times. Ask George H.W. Bush how that works....from 90%+ approval rating to losing an election to a virtually unknown governor from Arkansas.

The MOST interesting thing about this debate in my opinion, is the amount of misinformation both candidates spread about their opponents. I took a look at fact check to see what they are saying about the debate. I have linked it here. for those who are interested. It is truly astounding what they get wrong....even about themselves!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Palin vs. Biden

I am wondering when we will stop nominating least-common-denominator candidates to lead us...or better yet, dump the two-party system altogether.

Quick quiz:

What's more ridiculous?

Sarah Palin's pathetic "I have foreign policy experience because my state borders Russia" statement


this moronic (yet hilarious) gem from gaff master extraordinaire, Joe Biden?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Debate

Today, McCain announced he will suspend his campaign to focus on the economic tribulations. He is also seeking to have the debate scheduled for Friday postponed but Obama has yet to approve.

To find this out was truly angering; I'm tired of politicians pulling cheap political stunts to win over voters. I would not be upset if the debate was postponed for a good reason, but what does McCain plan on doing instead of facing off with Obama? What could postponing the debate possibly do to make this economy better?

If Obama caves and agrees to postpone the debate and suspend his campaign, I will lose my faith in his "new politician" image. He has already started to revert to the old style of politics, but this would be the last straw for me.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


This was posted on a different thread and I thought it would be appropriate to post on the front page. If you are unsure at all about your voter status please visit this site.


Also, I'm pretty sure the deadline to register is October 20th.

[Subject] Equips You for the 2008 Elections

Dear Citizen:
Are you ready yet for the November 4th Elections? How about your friends, family, and neighbors?
More Americans are expected to vote this year than ever before in history, so don’t be left out! Be sure to ask everyone you know the following questions:
 Are you registered to vote? If you moved recently, have you updated your voter registration?
 Did you apply for an Absentee Ballot? Do you know your state may not require any reason?
 Can you find your local Polling Place? Do you know it may have changed from last time?
The answers to these questions -- and all your voting needs -- can be found at -- the FREE 1-Stop citizen empowerment portal that Delivers Democracy to your Desktop! StateDemocracy is among the Internet’s first (since 2001) and most encompassing civic empowerment tools.
In order to boost voter participation this year, is offering FREE widgets for all 50 states. You can simply download and embed these widgets into your own website so your visitors can register to vote, get an absentee ballot or find their local polling place.
Lobby Congress Via StateDemocracy

Ken Laureys, Executive Director
StateDemocracy Foundation

Sunday, September 14, 2008

VP Bounce

Which vice presidential candidate has helped the ticket the most?

Obama's vp choice was announced in the middle of the night after a day full of media speculation. McCain announced his vp the day after Obama gave his acceptance speech; steeling the spotlight of media attention. McCain unarguably had the better timing. Biden was an expected pick; not very exciting. Palin was a historical pick that the media is still buzzing about. Again, McCain's pick wins the media spotlight. Palin also helps McCain pander to disgruntled Hilarry supporters, another big bonus after a week that was supposed to reconcile the party at the national convention. Overall, I believe McCain will win more voters with his vp choice.

I have already mentioned in an earlier post that my posisition is vp choices should be chosen to help the nation; not to win an election. I, as an Obama supporter, am hopeful the nation will eventual see why Palin was chosen; to pander and receive votes. Obama has lost all momentum and I hope the debates are going to be a turning point in this presidential race.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


After Palin made her comment about the difference between a hockey-mom and a pitbull, Obama said, "Well you can put lipstick on a pig." At first glance this would seem like a despicable attack on Palin. At a closer glance it is obvious Obama's comment was not directed in any way at Sarah Palin.

McCain tried to paint it that way by calling for an apology from Barack Obama. Of course Obama has nothing to apolize about since he was not in the wrong. McCain should apologize to Obama for his blatant lies.

Friday, September 5, 2008

No Right to Health Care

While watching Senator Obama on the stump this morning in Pennsylvania, he kept talking about working families and their right to health care.

Hmm, a right to another tax-payer picking up the tab for your health care? I don't recall reading anything about health care in the Constitution / Bill of Rights. That's because you do not have the right to health care. The founding fathers never intended that the President of the United States would sponsor a program that takes wealth from one tax-payer in order to pay for a welfare program for another citizen. That's redistribution of wealth...fine for China, not for the United States.

Moreover, the very idea that government can administer an efficient and low cost health care program is laughable. I can't think of a single industry in which government got involved and the price went down. Nor can I think of one industry where the level of service remained the same as in the private sector after government got involved...ever been to the Department of Motor Vehicles?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sarah Palin

Bristol Palin, daughter of the Republican presumptive vice presidential nominee, is pregnant at seventeen years old. How is this relevant to the current presidential race? Some are saying it reflects and Gov. Palin's ability to run an office, because she clearly cannot run her own household. How ridiculous is that? If that is the argument, why is this even an issue?

Barack Obama said it himself and defended Bristol Palin claiming, "the families of the candidates are off-limits." End of story.

Now the claim that Obama is inexperienced is called into question with this v.p. pick. McCain continuelly makes claims that Obama is clearly not capable of being the president because he does not have the experience. Republicans are still making this claim in spite of the v.p. pick. Some even go far as to say Palin has more experience than Obama. Lets take a minute to compare their resumes.

U.S. senate; 2004-present
Illinois senate; in 1996-2004

Governor of Alaska; 2006-present
Wasilla Mayer; 1996-2002
Wasilla City Counsel; 1992-1996